Erik D. Reichle, Ph.D.

E-Z Reader: This .zip file contains everything necessary to run simulations using E-Z Reader 10 (e.g., Reichle, Pollatsek, & Rayner, 2012, Psychological Review, 119, 155-185), including an executable version of the program, the source code (written in Java), files containing the Schilling et al. (1998) sentence corpus, and detailed instructions.

RadicalLocator:These .zip files contain everything necessary to use the RadicalLocator software (Yu, Reichle, Jones, & Liversedge, 2014, Behavior Research Methods, 47, 826-836), including an executable version of the program, source code (written in C# and C++), and two files containing a corpus of 3,500 Chinese characters.

Über-Reader: The code for the Über-Reader model (Reichle, 2021, Computational Models of Reading: A Handbook, Oxford University Press) is not yet available.  Please check again soon.
